“Bring it out and see what happens."

15 de julio de 2010

I decided I was going to New York to see what was really going on in the world

"I think that drugs are like stawberries. That was something that I was very much a part of, but at the same time there’s that incredible nigtmare paranoia…it drives human beings crazy. It frightened me to see it around me…I had everything that could be moved stolen by speed freaks. Things began to disappear. The Queen Bee speedfreaks and Amphetamine Annie had found out where my appartment was. All my jewelery was stolen and all my expensive clothes. Dior, Balenciaga…just tons of orginals. By the way, have you heard anything about my furs? Everybody’s wearing them."

- Edie Sedgwick (via kaleidoscopemachines)

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